Auto Parts

Whether you are looking to repair or upgrade a part on your car or truck, here is where you’ll get the best information and tips about car parts, replacement parts and auto maintenance.

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Why Is My Car Making a Clicking Noise When Starting?

Hearing clicking when you're trying to start your car can be upsetting, but it's less so if you understand what...

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Car Maintenance Schedule to Follow for Good Car Health

Maintenance is key to long car life and good performance. Keep your car in excellent shape by knowing what needs...

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7 Best Tire Chains for Winter Driving

Planning to do some serious winter driving? Snow chains can make a big difference! Here are the best snow chains...

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What Is Ideal Tire Pressure in Cold Weather?

Lower temperatures mean lower tire pressure, so be prepared to inflate your tires more often during the cold weather months.

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What Makes a Car Backfire?

The gurgle, pop or bang of a car backfiring can be frightening! Wonder what casues that noise? There are lots...

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Why Do My Tires Squeak While Driving?

Squeaking tires while driving isn't just annoying — it could be a warning of a serious problem. Don't ignore that...

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Why Do My Brakes Lock Up When Trying to Stop?

Brakes locking up, whether in an emergency or while simply slowing down, can be a frightening experience. Here's what you...

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Why Do My Brakes Keep Grinding?

If you hear your brakes grinding, something is wrong. Here are four likely causes for the noise and what you...

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Why Is My Car Leaking Oil?

Whether it's a couple of drops or a big puddle, ignoring an oil leak can quickly lead to expensive engine...

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How to Plug a Leaky Tire

Got a flat tire? If a small puncture is the culprit, there's a good chance you can fix it yourself....

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Top 10 Car Window Cleaners

The best car window cleaners boost visibility and protect the glass. Read on for our top 10.

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How to Change a Brake Light

Got a brake light that's not working? In less time than it takes to drive to the auto repair shop,...

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What Type of Oil Does My Car Need?

With so many options, choosing the right motor oil can be bewildering. We cut through the confusion to help you...

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How Long Do Tires Last?

The answer to the seemingly simple question "How long do car tires last?" isn't that simple. Here's why.

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This Is What Really Happens When You Put Diesel in a Gas Car

The damage to your car’s engine will be severe and expensive to fix — if it can be fixed.

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How to Temporarily Cover a Broken Car Window

Protect your car with a temporary window cover made with tape and a high-density garbage bag that will stand up...

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Why Are My Car Brakes Making Noise?

Unusual noise coming from your brakes is a warning that one of your car's most critical safety systems is malfunctioning....

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How to Clean a Car Air Filter

Extend the life of your engine air filter and increase your gas mileage by cleaning your air filter with a...

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Why Won’t My Battery Jump?

Your car is dead. You try to jump-start the battery, but nothing happens. Is it the battery or something else...

How to Wash Car Windows

Learn how to clean car windows for sparkling clean glass that gives you the best visual clarity, particularly on...

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Why Are My Brakes Squeaking?

Brake squeal is a common problem often caused by worn brake hardware, pads, or rotor finish. But are squeaky brakes...

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How to Check Tire Pressure

Learning how to check tire pressure is easy and inexpensive. Make it a part of your monthly maintenance routine in...

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Top Bad Brake Booster Symptoms

Knowing the most common bad brake booster symptoms gives you early warning that the safety of your vehicle is at...

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How to Change Rear Brake Pads

Maintaining disc brakes is a perfect opportunity for DIYers to get their hands dirty and save a few hundred dollars.

What to Do When Your Engine Is Knocking

Take action to stop engine knocking before your engine becomes seriously damaged.

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What Is a Brake Caliper (And How To Tell if Mine is Bad)?

If your car is equipped with disc brakes, brake calipers are critical to slowing and stopping your car. Here's what...

How to Fix a Seized Engine

Sitting idle can cause an engine to seize. Learn how to free it and get your vehicle running again.

This Easy Trick Will Defrost Your Car Window in Seconds

How to clear off a car window in just a few seconds.

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How to Clean Your Engine Bay

Extend the life of your engine and preserve the value of your vehicle by learning how to clean the engine...