Just because you don’t have a grill brush doesn’t mean you can’t clean your grill. You can clean your grill using aluminum foil, or even cleaning with an onion will do the trick! But did you know that there’s another popular pantry item that can clean your grill fast? Coffee!

That’s right. If you let your grill grate sit in coffee for a bit, the acidity from the coffee will make it easy to wipe off the caked-on gunk from last summer that you just weren’t able to clean off.

How to clean your grill with coffee

Here’s how it works: Make a large pot of hot coffee. Once it’s finished, pour the coffee into a large tub or basin. Take the grates off of the grill and simply place them in. After about an hour, take the grates out and give them a quick scrub. Rinse them off with warm water.

Voila, that’s it! You now have a perfectly clean grill using a simple pot of coffee and a little elbow grease. You’ll be ready to throw some steaks on in no time.

While you’re at it, it may be time to tune up your outdoor gas grill.